

Our Market Intelligence series offers insights into the credit default swaps (CDS) markets, to help you gain a better understanding of activity and possible trends. These market risk perspectives are powered by the 存 CDS动力学 service, which utilizes position data sourced from 存’s 贸易信息仓库(TIW).

TIW contains approximately 98% of all CDS trades executed globally. Our Market Intelligence insights will continue to be provided free of charge.

CDS市场情报,TIW - 301x221px 


Trade activity-based data solutions that deliver market insights to help you manage risk and make informed business, 投资和战略决策.

存 CDS动力学
存 CDS动力学 provides market risk perspectives on credit derivatives traded globally, utilizing position data sourced from 存’s 贸易信息仓库(TIW).

存的货币市场动力学提供了一个单一的, daily feed of anonymized CP and CD secondary settlement transactions data–excluding primary IPA to dealer–to enhance analysis of this enormous market.

存股权动力学 enables users to view, track and analyze aggregated U.S. equities trade volumes over time and in the context of broader market activity.